Thursday, October 17, 2013

BREATH of DRAGONS Release Date

Hey Everyone!

I've been getting a lot of questions about the release date of Book 3. (Thank you. The pressure both encourages me and stresses me out. Hehe.) 

I am sorry to say she won't be ready by Thanksgiving. I've been trying VERY hard to make that happen, but I have succumbed to the fact that it shall not. One of the biggest reasons being that BREATH OF DRAGONS is, oh, about 30% longer than her predecessors. Apparently, she had a lot to say. :D

Right now, BoD is in the hands of my wonderful and BRILLIANT betas (THANKS, GUYS!). I'd originally intended to be at this point in August. And, well...

Suffice it to say the release date has been pushed back to: 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014.

I want to THANK YOU guys for sticking with me. Your enthusiasm and encouragement always pushes me foreword. I have THE BEST readers. And I know how frustrating it can be, reading a series before it's done. You have to wait and wait andwaitandwaitandwait for what feels like FOREVER. So even there, I am flattered by your support. I'm doing my best to have this out in a timely fashion, but I won't let her go until she's absolutely ready.

I must prevent this:

And then I will begin working on the last, and final, book in the series.

If you want to be kept up-to-date on giveaways/contests/etc. as the release date approaches, just follow me at:

Thanks again for ALL the poking and prodding, and have a wonderful Thursday!!


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