Monday, January 16, 2012

Watch Out Muggles...Harry Potter is coming to Universal Studios HOLLYWOOD!!


If you don't already know, in June 2010, they opened a Wizarding World of Harry Potter at the Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. The hubs and I went there about a year ago (I blogged about it HERE). 

Me and Hogwarts - I hadn't purchased my gryffindor scarf yet.




I had bemoaned the fact that they had chosen to build Hogwarts at the Florida location (I'm a west coast-er). I mean, I can't justify driving a few thousand miles for butterbeer on an annual basis. So you can only imagine my elation when I saw the following:

On December 6th, 2011, "Universal Studios Hollywood announced plans to bring the wildly popular Wizarding World of Harry Potter to the California theme park." - Brady MacDonald, LA Times staff writer. 

You can find the actual article HERE.

In the mean time, I shall wait...impatiently...*twiddles thumbs*

***If you like YA Fantasy, check out my book, GAIA'S SECRET. The sequel is coming soon!


  1. Eeep! So exciting!! To my dismay, I still have not been :-(( Though that's probably a good thing as when I go, I'll probably get so excited I'll start foaming at the mouth. Or do something equally embarrassing... *packs tranquilizer darts in BF's fanny-pack*

  2. HA!! Yeah, I NEEDED a tranquilizer. I was so happy. Ben and I just sat for hours, staring at the whole thing while they blared the soundtrack.

  3. I haven't even been to the one in Florida yet!

    1. GAH! Well, then, GET GOING! What are you waiting for? :) Are you closer to Florida?

  4. I went there two summers ago and while it was fantastic the weather sucked. It was so hot and humid! I'm really glad there are plans to have the wizarding world come to CA. Much better weather. Plus, I'm from CA so the traveling will be much easier.

    1. Here, here!

      Yeah, we were there in January, so the weather was perfectly fine. I can't imagine suffering those lines in the summer *dies* You should get a trophy...or some more pumpkin juice...

  5. Hey, that's not that far a drive for me! HOORAY!!! (I confess, I've never read the books and have never seen a HP movie all the way through, but I will remedy that soon. My pal is lending me the books so I can start reading)

    1. Oh, I'm jealous for the wonderful journey you're about to embark upon! Harry Potter has left a little lightning bolt scar on my heart. HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!

  6. I'm soooooo jealous! Why haven't we got a Harry Potter World in the UK? Not that I begrudge you your two - but it seems wrong somehow! Mind you, if we did have one it would probably be on a small scale and not very good!

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry Linda! It DOES seem wrong, actually, considering where Ms. Rowling is from. Maybe you can make a trip...but wait till it comes to CA. As Nicole mentioned, the weather would be SOOOO much better!

  7. Man, I wish I lived in Florida or California . . . awesome that it's coming to a location close to you! :)

  8. Great photos! I can't believe I hadn't heard this news yet! My two sons (17 & 14) knew already. They never tell me anything! :) We're near Fresno, Ca., so we'll definitely be taking that drive when it opens.
    Sorry I haven't been by in a while. How's the new year treating you and yours?


    1. Thanks, Jimmy! Hey, I've been through Fresno LOTS of times! (from Folsom)

      Please, DON'T APOLOGIZE! My blogging has been about as frequent as rain in the desert. :( Doing great, though, just been busy. How 'bout yours?

  9. YAY!!!!

    [happy dance!!]

    This is oh-so-fabulous news, since we're moving to LA soon!! Whoop, whoop!

    As a side note, Rob and I are going on a cruise out of Florida in February, and are planning on hitting up Hogwarts while we're there. [Eeeek!!] The thing is... I think I might be more excited for Hogwarts than the Bahamas... is there something wrong with me?


    1. I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE MOVING TO LA!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!!! *jumps up and down*

      Um, and YAY for you and Rob! How fun is that? And no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the highlight of your cruise being Hogwarts. Girl's gotta have her priorities straight, lol. (Though I may be the wrong one to validate your sanity...)


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