Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Sequel!! (An Update)

First of all, I must say THANK YOU for all of your support and encouragement, comments, feedback, and enthusiasm for GAIA'S SECRET! Without you guys, I wouldn't be sitting here today, writing a post about her sequel. 

That being said, the following is a result of your pokes and prods regarding GAIA #2 (thanks for the pressure, guys :P ), so I decided to shed some light on the matter. Publicly. 

I've been working on GAIA #2 for about a year, now. I had her outlined, wrote an entire draft and it was, well, all wrong. Wrote more drafts...still all wrong. SHE JUST WASN'T COOPERATING! Then the holidays hit, and no matter what I wrote, she sat and glared at me, like this:

So, I stopped working on my current draft, sucked it up, and spent a few weeks fixing everything via writing an extensive outline (it's a lot easier to alter points in an outline than it is to alter entire chapters). The result? A TWENTY-THREE PAGE OUTLINE with a separate character reference guide! O_o

Needless to say, I am quite excited and the story is moving forward at ludicrous speed (Space Balls, anyone?) and I HOPE to share her with you this summer :D

Thanks for your patience! (I know, you don't REALLY have a choice in the matter...)


  1. Replies
    1. THANKS, Laura! YOU know what it's like...and you know how liberating it is once "they" start cooperating :D

  2. Congrats on figuring it out. Hope it flows smoothly for you from here on out.

    1. Thanks! So do I, haha. Though anything is smooth compared to what I just trudge through... O_o

  3. That sounds like me. I keep reworking the same novel. I'm glad yours is coming together!

    1. I know! ARG! So frustrating sometimes....

      I just hope this one continues coming together. It helps knowing exactly where to go...

  4. I did the same thing yesterday with my novel. It really helped. Yay for both of us!

    1. GOOD JOB!! Doesn't it feel like you just took the weight of the world off your chest? YAY!

  5. Yes, I am an avid planner and simply could not write without an outline. I'd love to be a pantster, but alas, it is just to be. I'm at that point where I'm researching so I can start on my outline in earnest. Good luck to you. I hope Gaia #2 turns out to be exactly as she was meant to.

    1. I here ya!! And, thanks so much...you never know just HOW they're going to turn out, despite, you know? :D

  6. I've just started using detailed outlines and it is helping me a ton! It does go much faster that way. Good luck.

    1. Doesn't it, though?? Hard to go back to the other once you start outlining...

  7. I have to say that I normally don't start trilogy books until they are all released because I am lacking in the patience department. I didn't even start Harry Potter until I was within a year of the final installment and read them in lightening speed and then sat around sulking for 7 months. Then book 7 was released just after I gave birth to our twins and I made Kody diaper them for the next 72 hours while I tucked myself into a bedroom to devour and weep through the last book! However, I picked up your first book knowing this would happen again and....it did. I am anxious for the next one! I am wishing you many sleepless nights of maniacal writing to satisfy my need to read. Thanks for the great story Barbara!
    :) Jenny Marrs

    1. YOU!!!! (I know I sent you a note already, but still...)


  8. Hahahaha! I love your Malfoy pic ( : It makes me giddy... like having butter beer bubbles in my tummy!

    Also, I'm OOBER excited for Gaia numeral dos! Please, please, please sign me up as a beta??! I'd love to get a sneak peek ( ;

    1. Thought you might love that photo!!

      Um, YES! I'd LOVE to get your feedback! Not ready, though. ALMOST!!!

  9. I've heard that second books are hard to write, so your experience here...sounds about right. But I wish you luck! It sounds like you've got it under control now with that monstrous outline! :)

    1. Thanks for sharing that, because IT HELPS KNOWING I'M NOT CRAZY! This outline has helped TREMENDOUSLY and now, I'm almost done writing the story!!!

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